Do you know what is an eyelash serum?
Eyelash serum has got plenty various properties. All of these were selected in such a way to positively affect eyelashes, take care of skin around eyes as well as of eyes. How does an eyelash serum work? Firstly, it changes the appearance of eyelashes. In other words, the cosmetic extends, improves density, thickens, and even makes the colour of lashes darker. However, the most important, and at the same time, the most precious feature for all eyelash serum users, and its characteristic factor is follicles stimulation, strengthening roots of eyelashes and thereby boosting these to grow. Secondly, eyelash serum improves eyelash condition. This means, strengthening, moisturization, nourishment and eyelash regeneration reaches the next level. Eyelashes with tendency to falling out, weak and breakable ones become rebuilt to such an extend to survive coating with mascara, curling with an eyelash curler, a heated or a regular one, as well as fierce makeup removal. When it comes to properly moisturized eyelashes, these in turn, become more elastic, shiny and healthy. Thirdly, eyelash serum is able to take care of eyelids and eyes. Due to application of appropriate substances, skin around eyes is smooth, bright and well-cared of. Eyelash serum counteracts all irritations, allergic reactions, and skin drying-off.
Eyelash serum should consists of such substances which provide growth and regeneration of eyelashes, protection for skin around eye as well as product freshness. This cosmetic should comprise of plant extracts, like eyebright, aloe, cucumber, green tea, substances originated form nature, vitamins, keratin, peptides, hyaluronic acid and many more. Collected into one substance these lead to improvement of eyelash condition, and as a consequence to extension, thickening and nourishment. By reading eyelash serums' composition, one can realize whether the cosmetic contains properties of eyelash stimulation or the ones improving condition. As a consequence, substances included into the product are a valuable hint, that can be helpful when buying an eyelash serum.
Odżywka do rzęs powinna zawierać takie składniki, które zapewnią wzrost i regenerację rzęs, ochronę skórze wokół oczu oraz świeżość produktu. Znajdziemy w niej między innymi: roślinne ekstrakty (świetlik, aloes, ogórek, zielona herbata), substancje pochodzące wprost z natury, witaminy, keratynę, peptydy, kwas hialuronowy i wiele innych. Zebrane w jednym kosmetyku muszą prowadzić do polepszenia stanu rzęs, a w efekcie do wydłużenia, zagęszczenia, pogrubienia i odżywienia. Czytając skład odżywki do rzęs, możemy zorientować się, czy posiada właściwości pobudzające wzrost, czy poprawiające kondycję. Substancje zawarte w tym produkcie są zatem cenną wskazówką, którą możemy kierować się podczas zakupów.
Despite the importance of composition, manner of working and application play also fairy crucial role while choosing eyelash serum. The described cosmetic is equipped with one out of two kinds of applicators: a brush (eyeliner alike) or a wand (mascara alike). However, there are also such eyelash serums, that are sold with two types of applicators. With the aid of a brush, one has to draw a line on upper and/or lower eyelash root line. This kind of application enables faster absorption of all nourishing substances that reach eyelash roots. With the use of the second kind of applicator - a mascara-like wand, one can set eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as make these shine. Moreover, such applicator helps also in eyelash curling and smoothing the outer structure of eyelashes. It is generally believed, that eyelash serum containing a thin brush is way more efficient than the one with a mascara-like wand.
The best Eyelash Serums